Eilat-Eilot Renewable Energy Conference

February 28-29, Eilat, Israel

2024 - Program

Please note - time changes in this schedule

Wednesday February 28th



9:30 – 11:30

Opening Plenary – Greetings
Big Blue Hall

Chairperson: Dorit Banet, CEO of Eilat-Eilot Renewable Energy & chairperson of the conference

Moderator: Naama Aloni, Eilat-Eilot Renewable Energy

Greetings by:

  • Minister of Environmental Protection, Idit Silman
  • Director General of the Ministry of Energy, Yossi Dayan
  • Ambassador Kornelios S. Korneliou, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus
  • Eilat Mayor Eli Lankri
  • Head of the Eilot Regional Council Dr. Hanan Ginat
  • Eitan Parnas, CEO of Green Energy Association in Israel
  • Amir Shavit, Chairman of the Electricity Authority
  • Sami Turgeman Chairman of NOGA 
  • Aya Avidor, Chairman of the Board, Israel Natural Gas Lines (INGL)
  • Meir Shpigler, CEO of IEC
  • Dror Bin CEO of the Israel Innovation Authority
  • Shay Peretz, CEO at Ralco Energy
  • Eli Sharvit, Vadm Ret. CEO and Partner, ELGRY energy

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11:30 – 11:45

Coffee break

11:45 – 12:45

Plenary “Talk Zero” – changing the way we think, speak and act with the aim of reaching zero emissions in the world
Big Blue Hall

Chairperson: Noam Ilan, co-chairperson of the Eilat-Eilot Renewable Energy Conference


  • Roey Shemesh, Head of Storage Division, Zing Energy: “New Technologies for Utility Storage Systems


  • Chen Herzog, partner & chief economist of BDO Consulting: “The significance and the energy resilience of renewables in routine and emergency situations”
  • Galit Cohen, former Director General of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Senior researcher In INSS: “Convergence of arenas – the war and the climate crisis
  • Lior Handelsman, General Partner at Grove Ventures: “Venture Investing in Climatech – a Blueprint for Investors Towards a Net Zero Future and Better ROI” .
  • Yael Cohen Faran, Head of the Israeli Energy Forum: “Sun for everyone – Let Ms. Smith profit from Solar Energy
  • Hilit Almog, VP of business Development, Smartcon Tec by Aluminum Construction Group: “The “match” – The game changer for every metropolis, generating energy from the facades of the building

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12:45 – 14:30


14:30 – 15:45
2 parallel sessions

From vision to reality: founders talk on one stage together with the regulators
Big Blue Hall B

Chairperson: Eitan Parnas, CEO & founder of Green Energy Association of Israel

Speaker: Ron Eifer, Head of Sustainable Energy Division, Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure


  • Gilad Yavetz, Co-founder, CEO & Director, Enlight
  • Yaki Noyman, CEO Doral Group
  • Adv. Nadav Barkan, VP Business Development, EDF Renewables Israel
  • Rani Lifshitz, CEO, TERALIGHT
  • Iliya Katz, Deputy to the State Budget Director, Ministry of Finance
  • Oz Levi, VP for Electricity and Regulation, The Electricity Authority Israel

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The panel is dedicated to the memory of the late Capt. Yiftah Yavetz, a fighter and officer in Maglan, who bravely fell in combat at Kibbutz Nahal Oz on October 7th

Hydrogen valleys in Israel – technological and economic feasibility
Big Blue Hall A

Chairperson: Prof. Lior Elbaz, Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Director of the Hydrogen Technologies Labs (in the framework of the National Insititute for Sustainable Energy)


  • Prof. Lior Elbaz: “Hydrogen Valleys – definitions and an international perspective
  • Janet Shalom, Head of Policy and Planning, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure: “Hydrogen Strategy of the Israeli Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
  • Yam Efrati, CEO of Doral Hydrogen: “Development of hydrogen valleys – challenges and opportunities
  • Yair Rubinstein, VP of Business Development & Innovation, Israel Natural Gas Lines Company (INGL): “Hydrogen valleys in the mirror of a transmission company
  • Rotem Arad, Business Development Manager, H2Pro: “Integration of advanced hydrogen production technologies
  • Assaf Levy, Senior consultant in the field of green energy: “Economic evaluations for the integration of a hydrogen economy in Israel and around the world
  • Lior Shmueli, Director, Alternative Fuels, Dor Chemicals Group: “Production and uses of hydrogen in Israel

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15:45 – 16:45

3 parallel sessions

Moving to 100% green electricity in the business sector
Big Blue Hall B

Chairperson: Galit Kenigsberg, Climate economy, co-founder of ‘Electricity 100’, Tel-Aviv University


  • Dr. Moshe Tshuva, Senior lecturer at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Afeka Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering; and Galit Kenigsberg: “What is ‘Electricity 100’ and credit for Electricity 100 colleagues
  • Asaf Wassercug, CEO BL Energy

Panel: “How to do it: Green Electricity in the Backlog of Transactions

  • Yoni Hantis, Deputy CEO, Doral
  • Zvika Klier, CEO of Tigi
  • Dave Rosenberg, Energy Director, Strauss Israel
  • Amnon Epstein, Founding Partner, Co-Head of Energy Infrastructure & Climate Department, Epstein Rosenblum Maoz (ERM)
  • Honi Kabalo, VP of Revenue and Product Development, Enlight MENA

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“On the road” to sustainable transportation
Big Blue Hall A

Chairperson: Nahum Yehoshua, manager of the clean transportation department, Sustainable Energy department, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure


  • Prof. Erel Avineri, Head, M.Sc. Program in Energy and Power Systems Engineering at Afeka Tel Aviv Academic College of Engineering – “Trends and forecasts for transportation infrastructure in 2050
  • Prof. Ofir Rubin, Department of Public Policy & management, BGU – “Economic aspects of transportation taxation and vehicle taxation
  • Nahum Yehoshua: “Vehicle charging infrastructure

Panel: “The race for the future public transportation & the fuels for heavy transportation“:

Moderator: Ran Raiz, Head of Transportation Division, Ministry of Environmental


  • Amichay Bram, VP Operations and Engineering, Sonol
  • Shlomi Basson, Chief Executive Officer, BAZAN
  • Oren Ezer, Co-Founder & CEO, Electreon
  • Yori Bronshtein, Executive Vice President, Dan Group

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KKL wears green – pilots to promote renewable energy
Coral Hall

Chairperson: Dr. Doron Markel, Chief Scientist KKL


  • Dovi Miller, head of the energy branch in Ma’ale Gilboa: “The first agrivoltaic pilot in Israel
  • Einat Datner, CEO of the Israeli Energy Forum: “Sunshine for All – Solar system pilot in multi-storey buildings in the periphery
  • Willam Weisinger, Eilat-Eilot Renewable Energy: “Storage pilot using sodium sulfur technology in Eilot Regional Council
  • Shelli Zargary, Communications Strategist & Climatech Evangelist, GenCell: “A future program for hydrogen-based electric vehicle charging at remote sites

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16:45 – 17:45
2 parallel sessions

Solar energy production in a variety of uses
Big Blue Hall B

Chairperson: Dorit Hochner, manager of the physical planning department, Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure


  • Dorit Hochner: “The road map vs. reality – forecasts review of dual-use for renewables vs. their implementation
  • Arch. Maydad Levi and Arch. Omer Fuxbrumer, Gordon Architects & Urban Planners: “Renewable energy production for bike paths & cemeteries”
  • Mor Igaeli of shikun & Binui Energy: “Dual use in agriculture, combining solar production and agriculture
  • Herut Chasid, Legal Advisor, The Electricity Authority Israel: “Adjustment of arrangements for various types of dual use”
  • Shani Hinkis Barak, Deputy Director of the Planning and Environment Division at Aviv Company: “Win-Win: Renewable energy as a solution to the conflict in the Bedouin sector’s return lands”
  • Dr. Itzhak Kedem, Senior Energy and Climate Change Coordinator in the Industries Cluster at the Ministry of Environmental Protection: “Economic strategy for energy production in a distributed network on roofs and roofs in urban uses

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“Spark tank” – Invest in Clean Energy 
Big Blue Hall A

Chairperson: Shon Dana, CEO of Ignite the Spark

Moderator: Cody Vallez Norton, Co-Founder, Head of Ignite International

Pilot Pioneers:

  • Ronit Eshel, Senior Director, Head of National Climate-tech Action and Industry R&D, Israel Innovation Authority

Potential investors:

  • Ido Tutnauer, Business Development Manager, Shizen Energy Israel
  • Shlomi Basson, Deputy CEO Bazan Group
  • Yair Rubinstein, VP of Business Development & Innovation, Israel Natural Gas Lines Company (INGL)
  • Adv. Amir Livne, Senior VP of Strategy, Innovation and Restructure Process, IEC
  • Oren Calfon, VP of Technologies & Innovation, Ayalon Highways

Startups Pitching:

  • BaTTeRi – Tomer Shahaf, CEO & Co-Founder
  • INTERSOL – Meni Kericheli, Co-Founder & CEO

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17:45 – 18:00

Coffee break

18:00 – 19:30
2 parallel sessions

Regional Energy Collaboration
Big Blue Hall B

Chairperson: Dr. Nurit Gal, Owner at e-NRGY


  • Dr. Nurit Gal: “Regional collaboration – the Oxford project
  • Sharon Hazor, Head of Policy Planning and Strategy Division, Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure: “The Energy Ministry vision for regional collaboration
  • Sofronis Papageorgiou, Head, Commercial & Economic Affairs, Embassy of Cyprus in Israel: “Powering Progress: Advancing Energy Cooperation Between Cyprus, Israel, and the Eastern Mediterranean Region
  • Gil Yehuda, Head of transmission reliability and customers at Noga ISO: “Is the Israeli grid ready for an interconnection?
  • Prof. Itay Fischhendler, Department of Geography, the Hebrew university: “The role of borders in the energy transition

“Spark tank” – Continues 
Big Blue Hall A

Chairperson: Shon Dana, CEO of Ignite the Spark

Moderator: Cody Vallez Norton, Co-Founder, Head of Ignite International

Part B of the event


  • Pasquale Rufrano, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Desk, ITA Tel-Aviv: “The Renewable Supply Chain in Italy – A country of opportunities
  • Ofir Gomeh, CEO, capital nature “Dual-use technologies – the opportunity to convert military technologies into climate technology.
Startups Pitching:
  • Boson Energy – Liran Dor, CTO & Co-CEO
  • MADA Analytics – Danny Gimpel, CEO & Co-Founder
  • Fast Sense – David Suter Sharabi, CEO & Co-Founder


  • Assaf Levy, Senior consultant in the field of green energy: “Trade-off – public or private investments in start-ups

Startups Pitching:

  • Structure Pal – Yonathan Lazovski, CEO
  • GRID-IN – Ivan Alymov, Founder & CEO
  • Trigo Solar – Asaf Maman, Director of Business Development

19:30 – 21:00

Chill & Charge – evening event
Midbar Event Area

Awarding certificates of appreciation:

Greetings: Zvi Ben David, CEO of SunGrow Israel

  • Zeev Miller, CEO of ICA Fund
  • Dr. Moshe Tshuva, Senior lecturer at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Afeka Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering
  • Prof. Itai Sened, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, TAU
  • Dori Davidovitz, Chairman of the Board at Doral Group Renewable Energy Resources
  • Dr. Gideon Friedmann, Former Chief Scientist at Israel Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Announcing SPARK TANK Winners

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Thursday February 29th

09:30 – 10:00

“The energy, environment and economy geopolitical future in the Middle East after the October 2023 war” government general manager conversation
Big Blue Hall

Chairperson: Dr. Amit Mor, Co-CEO of Eco Energy Strategic Economic Consulting and senior lecturer at Reichman University


  • Dr. Amit Mor: “How government ministries are preparing to reach the goal of zero emission in 2050


  • Yossi Dayan, Director General of the Ministry of Energy
  • Guy Samet, Director General of the Ministry of Environmental Protection

10:00 – 11:00

Israel’s economy readiness to zero emissions in Israel by 2050
Big Blue Hall

Chairperson: Dr. Amit Mor, Co-CEO of Eco Energy Strategic Economic Consulting and senior lecturer at Reichman University


  • Michal Fink, VP and head of strategy, economy & innovation, Ministry of Economy & Industry: “Plans for an economy sustainable acceleration after October 7th
  • Shaul Goldstein, CEO “Noga” Electricity system management company: “Preparing the electricity sector for zero emissions in 2050


  • Dr. Dov Hanin, Chairman of the Israeli Climate Forum
  • Dr. Gil Proektor, Senior Director of the Climate Change Division
  • Dana Cohen, Climate & political Campaigner, Greenpeace Mediterranean, Israel
  • Maya Jacobs, Co-Founder and CEO, Climate Net – Networking to Net Zero

One on one: “The infrastructure of the national natural gas transmission system for the development of a future hydrogen economy

  • Dr. Amit Mor interviews Shmuel Turgeman, CEO, Israel Natural Gas Lines (INGL)

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break

11:30 – 12:30

3 parallel sessions

Exporting innovation from the Negev to the world
Big Blue Hall A

Chairperson: Sinai Gohar Barak, Cluster Manager, DeserTech


  • Sinai Gohar Barak: “where global challenges become innovative solutions

Panel: “Rescuing food – solar cold rooms in Mali

  • Hamidou Traore, General Manager 3R, Mali
  • Eric Gatterer, Director of Development, Blue Power Group
  • Adv Orit Marom Albeck, founder and CEO of “Nanosemed”, co-founder and director at KEILOT
  • Yaron Gefen, CTO, Innovation Africa

One on one: “Energy efficiency in the Arava aquaculture industry

  • Roni Sussman, CEO, AquaculTech
  • Ed Hofland, Entrepreneur, member of Kibbutz Ketura, Chairman of Ardag, Algatech and Arava Power Company

This discussion is dedicated to the memory of Alon Lulu Shmriz, who was kidnapped from his home in Kfar-Gaza on 10/7/23 and accidentally shot by IDF soldiers while trying to escape from captivity on 12/15/23

“Off grid” Infrastructure solutions in the Bedouin settlements
Tarshish Hall

Chairperson: Prof. Ram Fishman, , Senior academic staff in public policy, Tel Aviv University


  • Ariel Almassi, Director of Renewable Energies, IEC: “Horizontal arrangements that enable new opportunities for the Bedouin sector
  • Prof. Ram Fishman: “Sustainable models for renewable energy production in off-grid communities


  • Guy Deknuydt, Head of Sustainable Energy for Local Authorities at the Israel Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure: “Transition to sustainable energy in educational institutions in the Bedouin population in the Negev
  • Raad Kiyan, entrepreneur: “Renewable energy in the integration of the Bedouin population
  • Amal Abu Alkoum, entrepreneur and co-director of the Bedouin-Jewish energy organization Shamsona
  • Elad Orian, co-founder & general manager COMET-ME
  • Michael Macchia, Partner in the energy department at Agmon with Tulchinsky

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Hevel Tkuma and “grid-bypass” solutions for the implementation of distributed renewables in the short term
Big Blue Hall B

Chairperson: Tal Avishai, Director of long-term policy and strategic projects division, Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure


  • Tal Avishai: “The Ministry of Energy’s vision for Hevel Tkuma
  • Bar Weiss, CEO of Sun’Agri Israel: “The rise of Agriculture under the solar panels – Agrivoltaics potential in the light of business and local planning
  • Gal Shofrony, Founder & CEO, Jiya Consulting: “Upscaling region’s energy security through local suppliers
  • Alaa Fakhouri, Head of Renewable Energy Department, The Electricity Authority Israel: “Solutions for integrating renewable energy in the current grid situation


  • Aviv Cohen, CEO of Shaar-Hanegev economic company
  • Honi Kabalo, VP of Revenue and Product Development, Enlight MENA
  • Dr. Jenia Gutman, Head of the Energy & Climate Division (Mitigation), Ministry of Environmental Protection
  • Iris Berkowitz, head of the infrastructure team, South District Planning Bureau
  • Bar Weiss
  • Gal Shofrony
  • Alaa Fakhouri

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12:30 – 13:30
3 parallel sessions

Back to the future – microgrids as a possible solution for achieving Israel’s renewable energy goals
Big Blue Hall A

Chairperson: Zviya Baron, CEO CtD


  • Emanuel Katan, VP commercial, Shikun & Binui Energy
  • Guy Lichtenstern, Regional Technical Manager, Solaredge


  • Moshe Shitrit, Head of Licensing and Supervision Division, The Israeli Electricity Authority
  • Azaria Davidov, Founder & CEO of ASTORIA Cyber
  • Alon Ziv, partner & head of the banking and project finance department, Shibolet Co.
  • Alon Ben Harosh, Head of Energy and Climate, IDF
  • Alon Segal, Team Manager, NZO

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Women in the international energy arena
Tarshish Hall A

Chairperson: Roni Elhalal Givon, founder & director of the Women in Energy community
Chairperson: Michal Weiss-Navon, VP of Investor Relations & ESG Manager, Doral Energy “


  • Amira Oron, Israeli ambassador to Egypt (TBC)


  • Dr. Bracha Halaf, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Gravity Climate-Fund & Venture Studio
  • Hila Lipman, Director of Energy, Smart Infrastructures & Advanced Industry, Israel Export Institute
  • Hadar huberman, Clean Growth Sector Lead, UK Israel Tech Hub
  • Shai Czarni, Global Business Development of Green Hydrogen, Doral
  • Maya Etzioni, Spokesperson at the Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Transition to sustainable energy in the local government
Big Blue Hall B

Chairperson: Ron Ayfer, Head of Sustainable energy Department, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure


  • Ron Ayfer: “Sustaining energy, government and local government – the leap of the next road
  • Dr. Orli Ronen, Head of the Laboratory for Innovation & Urban Sustainability at the Porter School of Environmental Studies, TAU: “From the micro to the macro – the authorities at the forefront of the fight against climate change in Israel” 4 impact projects for example: opportunities to promote sustainable energy in the built space
  • Elad Topel, Director of Energy and Smart City, Eilat Municipality: “Towards Net Zero City
  • Hila Kaplan, CEO of the Ramat HaNegev Regional Council: “Pithat Nitzana – a living laboratory for energy innovation
  • Aharon Azoulay, CEO of Eshkol Hamifrats: “Energy management from a regional perspective
  • Dr. Boaz Kedar, Head of Sustainable Planning and Energy, Municipality of Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality Engineering Administration: “Tel Aviv-Yafo – Energy, Statutory and the Great City

13:30 – 14:30
4 parallel sessions


Climate change Provisions strategy – risks or opportunities
Coral Hall

Chairperson: Lihie Iuclea, ESG department leader, BDO Israel


  • Lihie Iuclea: “Climate risk management as a growth engine
  • Sharon Alaluf, Head of ESG at Bank Hapoalim: “The climate strategy of financial entities


  • Avital Yanovski, ESG manager, Phoenix
  • Riky Mor, ESG field leader in Mekorot
  • Rinat Greenberg, VP EPM & ESG at Maytronics
  • Matan Benjamin, Director, S&P Global Ratings, Maalot
  • Noga Levtzion-Nadan, Founder & CEO of VALUE^2

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World overview – Carbon regulation and voluntary carbon market
Big Blue Hall B

Chairperson & Speaker: ADV Galit Ofer, partner and head of environment and sustainability practice, Shibolet


  • Galit Ofer: “Carbon reduction regulation – world overview.
  • Omer Tamir, CEO Eco traders: “Global Voluntary Initiatives for GHG emissions reduction and renewable energy deployment

Panel: “Examples and plans for carbon reduction – new and traditional industries”

  • Gali Feldboy Klinger, Global Sustainability Director, UBQ Material
  • Nimrod Levi, Director of Business Development, Energy at ICL Group
  • Rebecca Leuper, Deputy Director of the Economic Division of the Electricity Authority
  • Hagit Venish Gill, Head of ESG, Bazan Group

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Accelerating Energy Innovation: USA-Israel Energy Collaboration
Tarshish Hall A

Chairperson: Limor Nakar-Vincent, Deputy Executive Director of Business & Development, BIRD Energy


  • Ilan Ben David, Co-Founder & CTO, Zooz Power
  • Dr. Gideon Friedmann, CTO at NetZero Technology Ventures
  • Eli Lipman, VP R&D, Brenmiller Energy
  • John P. Michele, Department of Energy Attaché, US Embassy

Following the ‘Iron Swords’ war, the keys to reliability of electricity supply: storage decentralization & regional management ability
Big Blue Hall A

Chairperson: Dr. Yael Barash Harman, Head of R&D Division, Chief Scientist, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure


  • Nofar Hartman, coordinator of the NZO project, The Heschel Center: “Policy tools that support the establishment of microgrids: research conclusions about European & American policy tools that support the transition to renewable and distributed energy, focusing on the creation of microgrids, renewable energy communities and energy sharing
  • Roee Furman, Managing Director of Doral Energy-Tech Ventures


  • Matty Katz, CEO Synvertec: “Grid Stability Support with the Synchronverter
  • Moshe Naor, Energy Storage Lead, Shikun & Binui Energy

14:30 – 15:30


15:30 – 16:30

3 parallel sessions

Waste to energy
Coral Hall

Chairperson: Amos Lasker, CEO of the EnergyCom community

The government’s statement:

  • Dr. Yoav Lindman, Director of the National Waste Infrastructure Development Department at the Ministry of Environmental Protection
  • Dr. Yael Barash Harman, Head of R&D Division, Chief Scientist, Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Actual players:

  • Liran Dor, CEO of Boson Energy
  • Moran Kirshner Goldberg, CEO at Zohar CleanTech: “Independence in waste through local treatment”

Road map:

  • Chen Herzog, partner and economist BDO Consulting
  • Zohar Lavi, adequacy and regulation consultant

Multiple economic and environmental benefits in the solar space
Big Blue Hall B

Chairperson: Oved Yavin, Agro, Solar, and Water Director at Doral Energy


  • Oved Yavin: “Development of the agrovoltaic field in Israel – opportunities and challenges
  • Aric Ben Meir, Business Development Project Manager, Migal Institute: “Carbon agriculture and carbon sequestration
  • Prof. Moshe Herzberg, Head of the Desalination and Water Treatment Department, Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research, BGU: “The Israel-U.S. Collaborative Water-Energy Research Center (CoWERC): “Development of innovative technologies to create water with the help of energy in agricultural areas
  • David Meninger, CEO of Geo Teva Environmental consultancy: “Optimum utilization of the land for solar production and support for ecosystems

The unbearable simplicity of car charging – How should Israel act to maintain a stable and strong grid that supports millions of electric vehicles even during peak hours
Big Blue Hall A

Chairperson: Daniel Baron, development director, Energycom


  • Dr. Dror Yitzhak, R&D and Risk Department, Noga – Israel Independent System Operator: “A dynamic model for predicting the number of vehicle charging stations in Israel
  • Dr. Dan Weinstock, electrical engineering & renewable energies, and Barak Reshef, Reshef Engineering Services: “V2G – Current status and the potential contribution to the grid” Panel: “Challenges and solutions for charging vehicles 2030

Panel: “Challenges and solutions for charging vehicles when most vehicles will be electric

  • Cnaan Aviv, CTO (Chief technology officer) & Co-Founder of “Make My Day”
  • Ilan Ben-David, Co-founder and CTO, ZoozPower
  • Elizach Dembinski, CEO of the Technology Division, YSB Group
  • Shelli Zargary, Communications Strategist & Climatech Evangelist, GenCell

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16:30- 17:30

 Sunset & Farewell- the closing event of the Eilat- Eilot 10th conefrence

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For enhanced B2B relations, we’ll assign a seating area and dedicated app throughout the event.